How To Make TManna 🇬🇪

How To Make TManna 🇬🇪

Use the best water available as it will dramatically affect the taste of your tea.

Recommended types of filters: reverse osmosis filtration, purified water, carbon filter.

Black tea needs boiling water, 212°F Green tea needs below boiling water, about 180°F Herbal teas need boiling water, 212°F Steeping time determines how much of the elements of the tea infuse into the cup. Generally black tea is best steeped for 3-5 minutes, whereas green tea should only steep for 2 minutes. Larger leaf teas require more leaf in the water, about one Tablespoon per cup of water; ex. fluffy leaf Georgian teas & most herbal teas. Loose leaf tea is best steeped with plenty of room to open up and move around, infusers are the best for allowing space for the leaves and making it easy to remove them from the water when the time is up. Tea takes time. Relax and enjoy.

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